Riley Mate got an early start in designing. His parents introduced him to art at a very young age. Later, his interests became more focused on design and textiles, both of which he studied in college. Riley now has a four-year career under his belt. He’s been designing clothing and other objects under the pseudonym PSEUDODUDO since 2015. In October 2017, Riley officially incorporated his business as an LLC. “The thought of owning and operating some sort of entity was always very appealing to me,” says Riley. “So when things really started to pick up, it just felt like the right thing to do. Incorporating was one of the best decisions I have ever made.” Riley says that what drives him to succeed are all the odd and abstract aspects of life that he doesn’t fully understand. “Those things keep me thinking, keep me working.” He also feels challenged by clients who seem to ask for the impossible. He realizes that these challenges push him to explore new territory and discover unexpected ways for things to fit together. “Progress in design is amost always tough but worthwhile,” Riley says. To solve other business challenges, Riley reached out to 1-800Accountant. “1-800Accountant’s service has helped in many ways,” he says. “For one, the online portal provides such a beautifully simple way to keep everything organized and balanced.” Riley recognizes the important investments 1-800Accountant has made in keeping current on the latest technology. “And of course my accountant, Robert – I have a lot of good things to say about him,” says Riley. “He’s somewhat akin to an accounting oracle. He provides a wealth of valuable guidance and answers that help me make smart decisions related to my business.” PSEUDODUDO will continue building up its clothing line and design portfolio while being open to any new opportunities that come along. “Simply put though,” Riley says, “more work and more fun are on the constant horizon.”